Det Vic Agreement 2017

Det Vic Agreement 2017

Dear readers,

Let`s talk about the DET Vic Agreement 2017, which has significant importance for the education industry in Victoria, Australia. The DET Vic Agreement is a collective agreement between the Department of Education and Training Victoria and the Australian Education Union (AEU) Victoria Branch. The agreement sets out terms and conditions of employment for teachers, principals, and support staff in government schools in Victoria.

The DET Vic Agreement 2017 is a significant improvement from the previous agreement. It includes a 3% per annum salary increase for teachers and support staff, which is a great incentive for teachers who have dedicated their lives to educating our children. Apart from the salary increase, the new agreement includes provisions for improved job security, more professional development opportunities, and better working conditions.

The agreement also recognizes the importance of vocational education and training (VET) in Victoria. The DET Vic Agreement 2017 has provisions for recognition of prior learning (RPL) and for the creation of new pathways for teachers and support staff in the VET sector. This is a positive development, as it will enable more training and education opportunities for students, which will contribute to a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

Furthermore, the agreement also acknowledges the importance of diversity and inclusion in the education system. It includes measures for ensuring that all students have access to quality education, regardless of their background, ethnicity or socio-economic status. This is a critical element of our education system that must be prioritized to ensure that every student has an equal chance to succeed.

In conclusion, the DET Vic Agreement 2017 is a step in the right direction for education in Victoria. The agreement recognizes the value of teachers and support staff in the education system and provides a number of benefits and incentives to ensure that they feel valued and supported. This agreement ensures that the education system remains robust, responsive and meets the needs of our changing society.

Thank you for reading.
